The Project Components of OFSDP – II are as follows,

Preparatory Works

Components / Sub-Component Scope
Constitution of PMU, DMU, FMU and deployment of staff 1 PMU, 12 DMU, 50 FMU
Deployment of NGOs for Community Development and SFM 50 Teams in 12 DMU
Procurement of PMC ( Component 9) 1 PMC Team
Orientation for PMU/DMU/FMU 1 PMU, 12 DMU, 50 FMU
Identification of VSSs 1,200 VSS
Survey and Demarcation 1,200 VSS assigned areas
Review and Revision of Project Manuals / Training Materials -
Engagement of VSS / EDC Animators 2,400 (core period) + 1,200 (Phase-out Period) animators
Micro Planning 1,200 VSS
Revisiting Micro Plan ( 4th year) 1,200 VSS
Annual Planning 1,200 VSS
Social and Environmental Consideration 1 PMU, 12 DMU, 50 FMU